Serving low-income and financially vulnerable people in Centre County through diverse programs that foster financial stability.
At Interfaith Human Services, we provide families and individuals with resources and guidance on their finances to work toward monthly management instead of crisis control.
A hand up, not a handout
At Interfaith Human Services, we have been investing in our community for more than 50 years by providing financial education programs to our clients. More than helping them paying bills, we teach them to work within a budget to achieve financial stability.
Give your neighbors a sense of self-worth
Whatever the cause of financial instability, whether it’s illness, divorce or simply ignorance, the people we serve gain awareness and tools to better manage their money. We bring people from a place of hopelessness to a place of empowerment.
Build up our community by stabilizing families
Our programs work to break cycles of crisis and help clients to work toward achieving self-sufficiency. When we help families get back on their feet, we empower them to become stable, productive members of our community.

18.1% of people in Centre County live in poverty*
*according to the U.S. Census

43% of Centre County residents struggle to meet their basic needs*
*according to the 2019 ALICE report from the Pennsylvania United Way
Last year*, Interfaith Human Services helped:
*Fiscal year 2023-24